jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

My best friend

conocí a mi Best friend in school two years ago his name is salomé. it is usually having fun far we are secret, and we want to play the handball once she was in the hospital and i went to see how far that was best.. is someone that i would like very much

el final de "The witch"

the old woman really was a witch, the girl requested a wish... take it as "hada madrina" by always to their parents to learn about, as they travel to Spain this summer...it seems that for this girl everything is going to be more fun

jueves, 10 de noviembre de 2011


The beach volleyball is a variant of volleyball which is played on sand, generally on the beach, although they are very popular tournaments in towns in the interior of artificial fields. The success of the vóley playa contribute del Sol, DJ music and swimwear to complete the sporting show and are present even in the official competitions and olympic. All of this is that it is a very beautiful for sport advertising.

- you must play with six players or more
- Each player must play MORE THAN two times the ball
- You must wear glasses compulsorily
- The game is divided into 5 sets of 10 minutes duration, to win each set you MUST get 25 points or more